Oops. I didn't mean to misinterpret my bf or show some lack of faith in God. I do apologise. Perhaps I lost what I was trying to get across while I was conveying everything my way.
I didn't mean to say God would give us things we don't deserve. He is after all Just and whatever He gives is what we're meant to have. Perhaps I misunderstood what my bf told me (the perils of early morning phonecalls) and got all worked up about the whole thing.
Maybe you might see this as a way for me to 'cover' for my boyfriend. Well, since I did miss out a few other key sentences in our conversation, I wouldn't want anyone to think less of him. It isn't fair for him to be judged based on what I say and not of what he actually shows or says to you. What my bf said was pretty much what we're all taught when it comes to prayers: You work hard for something and you pray and leave it to God. It's the 'tawakal' part he was emphasising on.
Perhaps it isn't my place to discuss about these matters. I am after all an ignorant little girl who is lost in love and unrealistic. So maybe it's wise for me to just shut up.
Thank you for bringing the inconsistencies to light anyway. :)